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Supporting UK Black and Asian Enterprises

We support you

At Deridon Chartered Accountants, we acknowledge the unique hurdles and barriers that can exist particularly for minority ethnic businesses in the UK. Our leadership is 100% from Black and Asian British backgrounds and having built Deridon from the ground up, we can relate to the particular challenges you may face.

To support Black and Asian enterprise in the UK, we are committed to offering discounted services to you if your entity has at least 50% ownership from a minority ethnic background.

Responsibilities as a Client

We are a firm of registered and regulated Chartered Accountants

Why Black and Asian Enterprises?

Deridon Chartered Accountants embraces clients from all backgrounds and willingly helps all. But we do unashamedly call out Black and Asian enterprises for greater backing.

Access to affordable business, accountancy and tax-related support should not be seen as something only readily available to an exclusive elite.

Our co-founding partners are from a Black and an Asian heritage respectively. Born in the UK in the 1990s to first-generation migrants, they have seen businesses run by leaders with diverse backgrounds. Rising to become esteemed Chartered Accountants themselves, less than 30 years later, they set up a way to do more for UK diversity.

If you know someone who can benefit from our services, let them know about us and we will be more than happy to speak with them and help however best we can. If they end up becoming future clients of ours, then that’s a bonus!

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